ODT server parameters
ODT server parameters

The text citation is the only required Server.odt parameter; all others are optional. Server.odt parameters are separated by ampersands (&). No blanks are permitted between an & and a parameter name or around the '=' sign. For example:
https://tanach.us/Server.odt?Deut26:5-9&font=24&content=Consonants&columns=1&width=50 &align=0&gutter=0
produces consonantal text in one column, with a large blank area on the right on a gutterless page. The order in which parameters are added has no effect. The parameters are independent of one another. Usually, good results can be obtained with only a small number of parameters.

Parameter names and values are case-sensitive. The Server.odt verifies parameter names, but not parameter values. For example, the pair layout=full is incorrect because of the lower case 'f' in full.

The Server.odt has fewer parameters than the Server.html.

Parameter Default value Allowable values Action
Citation Always required Book Chapter:Verse-LastVerse
Book Chapter:Verse-LastChapter:LastVerse
Specifies the text to be displayed. * indicates the entire book is to be downloaded.
The following are equivalent to the pull-down lists on the Book page. (from top to bottom)
layout Full Full, Note-free, Text-only, Qere-only Specifies the text layout. "Verses view" or "Chapter view" are not permitted.
content Accents Accents, Vowels, Consonants Specifies the text contents.
18 Any font size in points (pt) Specifies the Hebrew font size in points.
fontfamily Shofar Any NON-WEB Hebrew font installed on your computer. Specifies the Hebrew font.
The following are custom adjustments to text displays. (in alphabetical order)
align center left, center, right Positions the text on the page if width < 100.
columns 1 1, 2 Sets the number of columns. Long passages are more readable with columns=2.
gutter 0.75 In inches. Specifies the width of the gutter. Gutter is for right-side binding.
labelsize 24 Any font size in points. Specifies the font size of the citation.
lineheight 80 %. Specifies the line height as a percentage of the normal height. Should be set to 120 for the Raanana font on Mac OS X systems.
margin 0.5 In inches. Specifies the margin width.
textalign justify right, justify, left. Specifies the margin width.
width 90 10 - 100 Sets the text width as a percentage of the window width. Set the align variable to align the text within this region.

Additional parameters can be provided on request.
